We are so glad that you are interested in Small Groups.
We would love to help you find a group where you can belong.
Your gifts and contributions are making a difference here in our community and around the world. Whether you give online or in person, you can be confident that God will use your gift to impact the lives of others for Christ.
There is a place of ministry and service for you at POCC. We believe every person has a "seat at the table." We are so glad that God has brought you to our church. Now, we want to help you find an opportunity to make a difference.
We would love for you to get connected to our ministry. If you are ready to become a member of our church and serve along side of us, then we want to invite you to our Growth Track. It's your orientation to POCC.
We would love for you to be a part of a family. We want to make a difference in our community and we need you to be a part of that. We want you to grow with us as we seek to become disciples of Christ. We want to reach our world for our Savior and we would love to have you join us!

Please use the sign up sheet below to get more info on any group and/or if you would like to start a new group.
SUN – 01 Adult Bible Study
Church Office Classroom
9:30am Leader: Steve Peacock
SUN – 02 Student Ministry Bible Study (6th-12th Grade)
Church Office Living Room
9:30am Leader: Shaun Lynch
SUN – 03 Starting Point
Kids Beach Double Room
12:15pm Leader: Jimmy Sledge
** Next Group will begin on April 27. You can sign up for this group here.
SUN – 04 Palmetto House – Service Group
Palmetto House
5:00pm Leader: Gina Clark
TUE – 01 Ladies Bible Study
Church Cafe
10:00am Leader: Trudy White
TUE – 02 PB&J Sandwich Ministry – Service Group
Church Double Room
4:00pm Leader: Reba Johnson
TUE - 03 Men's Bible Study
Kids Beach Double Room
6:00pm Leader: Jimmy Sledge
** Last Tuesday of each month
WED – 01 Quilting Ministry – Service Group
Kids Beach Double Room
10:00am Leader: Sandy Norton
** 3rd Wednesday of each month
THU – 01 Pacesetters – 55+ Group
** 1st Thursday of each month
SAT – 01 Women's Breakfast
Church Cafe
9:00am Leader: Gina Clark
** 2nd Saturday of each month
SAT – 02 Men's Breakfast
Various Restaurants
9:00am Leader: Jimmy Sledge
** 2nd Saturday of each month
12S – 01 12 Step Program – For those dealing with addictions
Contact: (386) 314-5162
Leader: Warren Piechowski
HP – 01 Hope Place – Service Group
Hope Place
1340 Wright St., Daytona Beach, FL 32117
Leader: Ken Crooks
1st Friday of each Month
4th & 5th Tuesday of each Month