Check out what's going on at POCC. We would love for you to join us. One of the best ways to make friends and build relationships is by doing stuff together. Check your calendar and make plans to make some new friends!
Events & Announcements
KidsBeach Parent’s Lunch Meeting March 16 12:15pm
All parents of KidsBeach kids are invited to a lunch meeting after the 11am service in the sanctuary on March 16.
PB&J Ministry March 18 4:00pm
If you are able to give an hour or so, every other Tuesday at 4pm, the PB&J Ministry could use you! It is a time to make PB&J sandwiches for the homeless and fellowship with believers. What better way to show the love of Christ than helping in the ministry. The group meets in the Kids Beach Breaker Room.
3rd Thursday Potluck Lunch March 20 11:30am
We will have a potluck lunch after our Traditional Worship Service. Please bring enough for yourself and a few others!
Celebration of Life Service for Cyndi Garlit March 21 2:00pm
Cyndi Garlit was a big part of our church and her influence will continue on. The family has invited our POCC family to join a celebration of Cyndi’s life at POCC on Friday, March 21 at 2pm.
Voting for Ryan Vaughn - Elder March 20 & 23
The Elders, after much prayer, have put forth Ryan Vaughn as an Elder candidate. We will have a membership vote on Thursday, March 20 before church and before both worship services on Sunday, March 23. Voting will be done by ballot. Those voting must be official members of POCC. If you are not sure if you are a member or not, you can check with a staff member and we can verify. If you are a baptized believer in Christ, we would love to have you join POCC and make POCC your church family. Ryan has been in leadership training since September. He and his wife of almost 22 years, Heather, have helped with KidsBeach, cleaning around the church, VBS, and Ryan is also a Youth Worker with our Student Ministry. Ryan has been a Special Education Teacher for 21 years currently working at Atlantic High School. Ryan & Heather have one son, Andrew, who is currently a sophomore at UNF.
Men’s Ministry Bible Study March 25 6:00pm
Our Men’s Bible Study typically meets on the last Tuesday of each month. Our next study will be on March 25. This study will meet at the church in the Kids Beach Breaker Room. We will have dinner at 6pm followed by our study in the book of Daniel.
​​Pacesetters April 3 12:00 Noon
Our Pacesetters Ministry is for those age 55+. We will be meeting at Chili's.
Men’s & Women’s Ministry Breakfasts April 12 9:00am
Our Men’s Breakfast will take place at Bob Evans and the Women’s Breakfast will take place at the church. Please RSVP here for the Women’s Breakfast.
Easter Eggs Needed!
To prepare for our Annual Easter Egg Hunt, we need donations of pre-filled plastic eggs which can be dropped off any time on or before April 13. You can either purchase pre-filled eggs or if you want to do a project with your family, you can purchase empty eggs and fill them with candy before dropping them off at the church. There is a blue container for Easter egg drop offs in the Cafe.
Easter Weekend at POCC
Thursday, April 17 - Maundy Thursday Traditional Worship Service - 10:30AM
Followed by 3rd Thursday Potluck Lunch
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday Walkthrough - 5:30PM - 7:00PM
Saturday, April 19 - Easter Egg Hunt - 11:00AM
Sunday, April 20 - Community Sunrise Service - 6:30AM
Location: Riverside Park (3459 South Ridgewood Ave.)
Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday Services - 9:30AM & 11:00AM
NFCC Family Day May 10 11:00am
All families (or anyone who would just like to see the camp we support) are invited to North Florida Christian Camp on Saturday, May 10. Family Day lasts from 11am - 3pm. Activities & Games for all ages or just come for a fun time of fellowship! Lunch Included! This is a FREE Event! NFCC is located at 6779 Camp Road, Keystone Heights, FL 32656
Starting Point May 18 12:15pm
Starting Point is for those who would like to know more about POCC, where you can fit in, and meet a small group of people. If you would like to sign up for our next 4-week group, it will begin on Sunday, May 18 following the 11am service. You can sign up here.
12 Step Program
If you know of someone who would benefit from a 12 Step Program that is Christian based, please contact Warren Piechowski at (386) 314-5162 or you can email care@pocc.faith and we will have Warren contact you.
Cleaning Crew
We are in need of some additional support with our cleaning crew. If you are able to help and donate a couple of hours a month, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact John Middleton at 859-750-6843. Thank you for your support and service to the Lord.
We are also looking for help that can rotate to help clean the bathrooms. If you are willing to help please call or text Gina Clark (904) 553-4268 so that she can get you on the schedule. Thanks for your service to the Lord
Prayer List
If you would like to receive the prayer list weekly to your email, please email us at care@pocc.faith. We will add you to the list so that you can pray and check up on our church family.